** Bus Status Notice ** Monday, January 20, 2025 AM **

** Bus Status Notice ** Monday, January 20, 2025 AM
Due to the extreme cold temperatures, St. Paul Education buses are cancelled for the morning on Monday, January 20, 2025. Afternoon routes will operate, as it is forecast to warm up throughout the day.
Schools remain open. If your child is not attending classes today, please report their absence in the regular manner.
If a student is unable to make it to school to write a Diploma Exam, parents are asked to drive them to school if it is safe to do so. In the case that a student is unable to attend to write a Diploma Exam on the day it is scheduled due to inclement weather, they may have the exam deferred to the next writing period in April. Please contact your school principal if you have any questions.
Parents will be contacted directly by drivers. A Bus Status notification will also be sent out and our website will be updated accordingly.https://www.stpauleducation.ab.ca/transportation/bus-status